Hello World!
My name is Ryan and I have a love for computers and technology. I am an aspiring IT technician and can't wait to get hired! The inner workings of computers and technology has always been interesting. Starting my career in IT will boost my knowledge and hands on experience!

Currently Working On
I am studying for the CompTIA A+ certification, I will take the exams in January or February next year as the CompTIA A+ certification will get updated. I have already learned a lot though studying for the exam and I can't wait to prove my knowledge.

CompTIA A+
AS in Computer Science
While I have been working for IN-N-OUT Burger I have been taking classes to complete my AS degree. I did not want to go into debt get an education so I took a few classes each semester while working. At the start of next summer I plan to have taken my last class for my degree!

Palo Verde High School
High School Diploma
Throughout high school I was constantly trying to find what I was passionate about. During my sophomore year I took a computer science class as an elective. This is where I found my love for computers and the software/hardware they use. Determining what to do later in life was constantly on my mind. Having a passion for video games made me think that developing them would be fun.
Computer/Laptop Repair
In 2020 I built my own desktop computer from scratch. It required me to look up what specific parts would work together; I went with an AMD chipset which requires an AM4 motherboard. Creating a desktop was extremely fun and nerve racking since the parts cost quite a bit. Building it did take me about 2-3 hours because I wanted to ensure that everything worked and was plugged in correctly. Plugging in the power supply to the motherboard and hard drive took the longest time. Making sure that I was using PCIe, SATA, and CPU cables were going to the correct port took the most time to ensure that I was not going to fry the board. I also had to upgrade my laptop’s storage because it only had 1TB. When I upgraded my laptop, I learned how to take it apart and what the RAM and fans look like.
I have been dabbling in Python for about a year now and know the basics of how it works. Making projects with API calls was probably the most interesting since I was connecting to a website and getting information off the site. Reading the required fields that the API wanted was the most challenging. I have also used Pandas before to work with a CSV file and create a detailed report.
Python Programming
Work Experience
At In-N-Out Burger the customer is the number one priority. A major principle that has been embedded with me is customer service and ensuring the customer always leaves with a smile. It is a fast-paced environment that requires a great deal of teamwork to ensure everything runs smoothly. Clear, precise, and friendly communication with the customers is a must. It ensures everyone knows what is going on and that they are getting what they want. Working here has been a game changer for my customer service skills and showed me how great a company In-N-Out Burger is.
Summer of 2019
A summer job where I learned how to focus for extended periods of time. It is paramount to stay focused while watching the pool for hours. The most important aspect of a lifeguard is everyone’s safety. Working there taught me the importance of direct and precise communication.

Contact Me
Feel free to reach out for collaborations or inquiries.